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issue : Avant-attaque
+++ 20110324 "Uterus Of Monoliths " now available on Avant-attaque Download!!!!!! +++
"Uterus Of Monoliths"
The sound is as it is shown in computer graphics by JINMO on cover art.
"Uterus Of Monoliths", It is the womb of Monoliths.
It filled with amniotic fluid contains Jubilus Meditator, Jubilus Activator, Jubilus Pulsar, Hetero-Glossolalia ... and something new unknown material can not be analyzed.
In the womb, "Uterus Of Monoliths", you will see a numberless of monoliths floating in the amniotic fluid, you will feel the quickening of monoliths, and you will hear the incessantly Jubilant cries of the monoliths at ultrasound bandwidth.
"Monoliths" are fictional advanced machines in film directed by Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" based in novels by Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series, encouraging humankind to progress evolutionary transformations, from ape to man, from man to Star-Child.
Our magnificent hit Jubilus series called "Red, Green and Blue, the trilogy of Light", some deep listeners claimed that the series reminded them monoliths.
This album, "Uterus Of Monoliths" would be a compilation album in position of Jubilus series.
Anger, sorrow, worries, every emotion to the world is going to be calm, into peaceful memories in the womb, "Uterus Of Monoliths".
Even if the track ends, monoliths never stop crying and you will find yourself in the womb, "Uterus Of Monoliths".
JINMO says "Donft listen, Feel the amniotic fluid of Jubilus. Evolve yourself. This is dedicated to all Moon-Watcher."
"Moon-Watcher", in the novels by Arthur C. Clarke, the first ape evolved into man affected of Monoliths is called "Moon-Watcher".
In the fluid of Jubilus, you will find yourself as "Moon-Watcher".
JINMO released his 97th album,78th album from Avant-attaque, "Uterus Of Monoliths".
It has just 62 days passed since the release of "Jubilus Pulsar".
Needless to note but it comes with AAC 320kbps high quality sound.
May the "Jubilus" be with you.
( HARI Avant-attaque, Ageha Avant-attaque )
NOTE: Headphones listening required for higher-quality listening experience.
"Uterus Of Monoliths", AAC 256kbps formatted, is also available in 96 countries through 23 iTunesStore.
And "Uterus Of Monoliths HQCD" will be released on March 31 from Avant-attaque.
*We're very sorry but "Uterus Of Monoliths HQCD" will not be available for international orders.

+++ 20110319 "Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) " now available on Avant-attaque!!!!!! +++
A long-awaited 2-Discs CD live album "Live At The Cafe Image ".
Finally JINMO.COM started mail orders for "Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) "!
*We are very sorry but "Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) " is not available for
International Orders.
Everytime JINMO has show, we received so many questions after the show such as "Which album "Gou Gou Chikuzan" on?",
"What album feature his nano picking or tapping on?",
"Do you have any live recorded solo album like he played tonight?".
Although we would like to answer "Yes, it is 'Live At The Cafe Image'.", the album has not available on Avant-attaque so long time for a matter of production and distribution.
At last, JINMO.COM started mail orders for "Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) "!
"Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) " now available on Avant-attaque!
Thank you for your patience!
Track listing and order information as follows;
*We are very sorry but special bonus DVD is not included because it has already reached limited numbers of first 300 copies.
And we will sell some copies of this album at JINMO's solo show "Burnt Offerings : The 7th sacrifice" on Thurday 31 March 2011 at Bullet's, Roppongi.
"Live At The Cafe Image"
Released at June 20 2008iIMGD-0003j
Published byFIMG Musici
Distributed byFDaiki Soundi
PriceF3,780 (tax includedj
Composing and PerformanceFJINMO
*#08 Litany For Godzilla composed by Akira Ifukube
Publish FIMG Music
DirectionFAkihiro Takakura
Recording and MasteringFNaruhito Akiyama
Concert Arrangement FYoko Takakura
Art Direction and DesignFKANAKOAAkihiro Takakura
Cover PictureFHARI
Liner NotesFKaznostic Frontishinto-kaj, Akihiro Takakura, Yoko Takakura
Recording: November 18 2004 at "Cafe Image", Okayama
MasteringFDecember 27 - 30 2004 at "Studio Image", Okayama
[Live Recorded Unaccompanied Guita Solo Show]
04FRequiem For Suny12:59z
05FLa critique socialey01:15z
06FThe Breastsy04:50z
07FL'Abbe Cy07:16z
08FLitany For Godzillay09:35z
09FHistoire de l'oeily01:12z
10FSt. Mikay09:15z
11FLes Larmes d'Erosy01:13z
12FLe Bleu du ciely01:41z
13FBlues For Yokoy01:08z
14FNortre-Dame de Rheimsy02:50z
15FGou Gou Chikuzany21:35z
16FEternal Sleep Sonicy05:07z
Special Bonus DVD Limited for first 300 orders;
*We are very sorry but no special bonus DVD included, it has already reached limited numbers.
01 : Image Remix y04:12z
02 : Requiem For Sun (Special Edit) y05:39z
Thus, JINMO destroyed the conception of the guitar!
The worldwide and deified guitarist, JINMO.
JINMO released his legendary "perfect unaccompanied guitar solo concert " (November 2004) as 2 discs CD album.
No overdubbing or editing.
No sequencers, MIDI guitar, synthesizer, etc. .. nothing at all.
Every sound in this album was emanating from only one guitar just as he played on stage.
This is purely "live documentary" unaccompanied guitar solo.
The great spectacle ever played with his virtuoso play and high-spec equipment.
Now open your ears to listen to the music into new dimention!
We are very sorry but "Live At The Cafe Image (HQCD) " is not available for
International Orders.

+ +20110315 we rescheduled the show "Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice" to 31 March.!!!++
We are very sorry to hear sad news on March 11 and we'd like to offer our deepest sympathy to all the people affected by the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Although we have been affected by the massive earthquake, JINMO has been worked vigorously as usual, perhaps more than usual.
[The upcoming show "Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice" rescheduled to Thursday 31 March 2011]
Due to planned power outage and paralyzed public transportation system, it was doubtful whether we shall be able to hold the show "Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice" scheduled on March 17 at Bullet's Roppongi.
But JINMO declares his intention not to cancel the show.
We respect his strong will and his deep sympathy for the people affected by disaster, we rescheduled the show "Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice" to Thursday 31 March 2011.
Detailed information as follows;
"Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice"
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Bullet's, Roppongi
LOCATION: Kasumi Bldg B1F, 1-7-11 Nishiazabu, Minato, Tokyo
5 minutes walk from Exit #2 of Roppongi subway station.
PHONE: +81-3-3401-4844
OPEN: 19:00
SHOW: 20:00
ENTRANCE FEE: JPY 2,600 (Extra charge for beverage)
No dress code required. You can enjoy the show with your own style.

+++ 20110307 JINMO solo show: "Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice" !!!!! +++
Thanks for your patience, JINMO's solo show is coming up on Thursday 17 March 2011.

"Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice"
"The alter of sacrifice", JINMO often uses metaphor to describe his stage.
This show entitled "Burnt Offerings".
On his stage, every offering will be burnt in the sacred fire made of the sound he plays,
like ancient ceremony "Burnt offerings".
Don't miss JINMO's killer solo guitar playing!!!
"Burnt Offerings: The 7th sacrifice"
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Bullet's, Roppongi
LOCATION: Kasumi Bldg B1F, 1-7-11 Nishiazabu, Minato, Tokyo
5 minutes walk from Exit #2 of Roppongi subway station.
PHONE: +81-3-3401-4844
OPEN: 19:00
SHOW: 20:00
ENTRANCE FEE: JPY 2,600 (Extra charge for beverage)
No dress code required. You can enjoy the show with your own style.