+++ 20110121 JINMO has just released his 96th album "Jubilus Pulsar(AAC)"! +++

JINMO's new album "Jubilus Pulsar" is now available on Avant-attaque download!
JINMO has just released new album "Jubilus Pulsar"!
"Jubilus" means "alleluia of Joy" in Latin.
The biggest hit from Avant-attaque Download, the server crashed digital drugsymphony "Jubilus Meditator" and "Jubilus Activator".
"Jubilus Pulsar" is the 3rd album released in this "Jubilus" trilogy, and itis the epilogue of "Jubilus" trilogy.
Now Avant-attaque is proud to announce the release of the long awaited "Jubilus Pulsar (AAC)" !
We received reports about "Jubilus" experience from some listeners who gotcopies of Jubilus trilogy. They have repeated deep listening to Jubilus series like monitoring themselves, and they recognised the altered state of consciousness under the influences of "Jubilus".
"Jubilus Pulsar HQCD" (released on January 14th 2011. Sorry, nointernational orders available) is also has an excellent reputation likewise other 2 "Jubilus" albums, "Jubilus Meditator" and "Jubilus Activator".
The new album, "Jubilus Pulsar", is the epilogue of JINMO's digital drugsymphony "Jubilus trilogy".
Red "Jubilus Activator", green "Jubilus Meditator" and now you can see blue"Jubilus Pulsar".
As soon as its cover design has shown on twitter, some says this trilogy as"RGB, the trilogy of light".
Yes, this trilogy is the lights lead you to Jubilus.
"Jubilus Pulsar" is not composed of drone music like "Jubilus Activator" or"Jubilus Meditator",
it's composed of pulse music which is contrast to other 2 "Jubilus".
Jubilus trilogy is composed for jubilant auditory stimulation and werecommend listening to these albums with headphones for high qualitylistening experience.
Main composition of tracks in "Jubilus Pulsar" are inaudible ultrasonic bandwidth more than 16,000 hertz ( it would be able to feel them if your consciousness could bring them into focus) .
The sounds you hear when you listen to Jubilus Pulsar, it's just an accompaniment for the inaudible ultrasonic.
That's why JINMO told us "Don't listen, just feel."
"It feels like my brain has been stimulated from all directions with shimmering crystal needles,
it boosted my mind up to new dimension..." our producer HARI said.
"Jubilus Meditator" and "Jubilus Activator" lead you jubilant experiences but "Jubilus Pulsar" leads you higher.
Just 27 days passed since the release of "I'm praying", JINMO's 96th solo album i77th album from Avant-attaquej"Jubilus Pulsar" is here for you all.
Needless to say, it comes with AACi320kbpsjhigh quality sounds.
May the "Jubilus" be with you.
iHARI Avant-attaqueAAgeha Avant-attaquej
yNOTEzHeadphones listening required for high quality listening experience.
y Jubilus Pulsar z
Release Date: January 21th 2010
13 tracks (total 1:05:00)
Format : AAC i320kbpsj
Cover designFHARI
Produced by : Avant-attaque
Label : Avant-attaque
Price : 9.99 USD
yTrack Listingsz
1. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
2. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
3. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
4. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
5. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
6. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
7. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
8. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
9. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
10. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
11. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
12. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
13. Jubilus Pulsar (05:00)
World same price 9.99 USD
Come with PDF booklet and 800 x 800 large sized picture cover.
Released January 21st 2011

Our products sold in Avant-attaque Download store can be versioned up.
Changes might be things like: "the hall-effects in the 3rd track, and equalizing in the 7th track have been updated", or "more information has been added to the song description".
Please check the version number which appears like (ver.X.X) following the song title.
When we do a version up, we will update the information on this site.
A customer who has an older version can download the latest edition for free.
The download URL and unlock code are required to download the latest edition, please keep email from Kagi.com when you purchased the album.
If you lost your unlock code or the URL, Please contact us by e-mail.
For further information, feel free to contact us info@jinmo.com
Please see detailed order information as follows;
We would like to thank you for your support JINMO.
Your support has given JINMO the impetus to keep on creating.
HARI Avant-attaque / Ageha Avant-attaque
+++ 20110114 JINMO has just released his 96th album "Jubilus Pulsar(HQCD)"! +++

JINMO's new album "Jubilus Pulsar (HQCD) " is now available in Avant-attaque.
*We are very sorry but "Jubilus Pulsar (HQCD) " is not available for International Orders.
We will release "Jubilus Pulsar(AAC)" at January 21st 22:00 (Japan standard time) at
Avant-attaque download Store.
On February 16th, JINMO will have live performance "The 6th Sacrifice " at Bullet's Roppongi, and
you can buy "Jubilus Pulsar (HQCD) " at "The 6th Sacrifice".
The new album, "Jubilus Pulsar",
is the epilogue of JINMO's digital drug symphony "Jubilus trilogy".
Red "Jubilus Activator", green "Jubilus Meditator" and now you can see blue "Jubilus Pulsar".
As soon as its cover design has shown on twitter,
some says this trilogy as "RGB, the trilogy of light".
Yes, this trilogy is the lights lead you to Jubilus.
"Jubilus Pulsar" is not composed of drone music like "Jubilus Activator" or "Jubilus Meditator", it's composed of pulse music which is contrast to other 2 "Jubilus".
Jubilus trilogy is composed for jubilant auditory stimulation
and we recommend listening to these albums with headphones for
high qualitylistening experience.
Main composition of tracks in "Jubilus Pulsar" are inaudible ultrasonic bandwidth
more than 16,000 hertz ( it would be able to feel them
if your consciousness could bring them into focus) .
The sounds you hear when you listen to Jubilus Pulsar,
it's just an accompaniment for the inaudible ultrasonic.
That's why JINMO told us "Don't listen, just feel."
"It feels like my brain has been stimulated from all directions with shimmering crystal needles,
it boosted my mind up to new dimension..." our producer HARI said.
"Jubilus Meditator" and "Jubilus Activator" lead you jubilant experiences
but "Jubilus Pulsar" leads you higher.
May the "Jubilus" be with you.
HARI Avant-attaque / Ageha Avant-attaque