+++ 20110428 JINMO released his 100th album "Lala" +++
JINMO released his new album "Lala".
Oh lala! Yes, it is his 100th solo album!
"Lala" (AAC 320kbps formatted) and "Lala" HQCD are now available on Avant-attaque!
And you can buy "Lala" HQCD in "BIGAKKO Special Lecture 2011" on Monday, May 2nd 2011.
*We are very sorry but "Avant-attaque HQCD" series will be shipped to Japan only.
The title is "Lala".
She said
"My name is Lala. Because I'm from Lala Land."
"I'm singing Enochian love songs on ultrasonic bandwidth."
"Dance with the Wolf from Sirius on the border of Eros and Thanatos."
This is my 100th solo album.
And this album is composed as the BGM of sex or masturbation.
-JINMO 04-28-2011
As JINMO's words suggest, Lala has meaning ecstasy, euphoria, trance, and jubilus.
And it is also used as a metaphor for sex and masturbation with slang.
"I'm singing Enochian love songs on ultrasonic bandwidth."
If you analyse this album with spectrum analysis, you would find very strong binaural beats are hidden on ultrasonic bandwidth in this album.
And you will know what the words of Lala mean...
Yes, it has designed to affect your sexual drive as she said.
The brainwaves would be on alpha stage during sex, but the brainwaves decrease instantly to theta stage called "theta burst" at orgasm.
In this album "Lala", binaural beats on ultrasonic bandwidth of each track had composed to change seamlessly between alpha waves and theta waves.
"Dance with the Wolf from Sirius on the border of Eros and Thanatos", it would be a metaphor for the words "No borders between alive and dead" that JINMO often says.
Lala told us to call for convulsions of art in the jubilant ecstasy
with involuntary physical reaction (Glossolalia) as orgasm is likened to "little death".
I, HARI, can't help but feel like strong inevitability that JINMO released "orgasm album" for sex and masturbation as his 100th album.
This album includes the parts of binaural beats and minutely designed panning.
We strongly recommend to listening with headphones for higher listening experience.
Just 9 days passed since his previous album "The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar",
JINMO's 100th solo album (81st album from Avant-attaque) is now available in Avant-attaque Download.
HARI Avant-attaque, Ageha Avant-attaque

+++ 20110424 BIGAKKO Special Lecture 2011 +++
Thank you for your patience, we are pleased to announce that JINMO's special lecture in BIGAKKO.
JINMO will have 2 special lectures including his live performance at BIGAKKO where the womb of new art and wisdom.
+++ BIGAKKO Special Lecture 2011 +++
"The brain response to auditory sense and emotion" -JINMO
Vol.1 "How does butterfly fly Jubilus?"
There's a movie just shows flying butterfly.
It seems happy when it comes with happy music on background but it seems sad when it comes with sad music.
What is the acoustic phenomenon that brings joy and pleasure to our consciousness?
JINMO reveals the acoustic phenomenon which affects directly for human emotions.
DATE: Monday 25 April 2011
TIME: 19:30 - 21:00 *Please come to classroom 10 minutes before the lecture starts.
Vol.2 "The Infinite 4' 33""
"4 minutes and 33 seconds", the monumental work by John Cage that shook the border between music and acoustics.
When we listen to John Cage's 4'33", we escape from the symbolized music and we will be embraced by the sound of the non-symbolic music.
Study of reinstatement of the non-symbolic music which holds the power of the primal music that lost since the invention of equal temperament, and its approach to the deeper feelings.
DATE: Monday 2 May 2011
TIME: 19:30 - 21:00 *Please come to classroom 10 minutes before the lecture starts.
Participation fee (Advanced) ;
A course : JPY 1,500 for 1 lecture
B course : JPY 2,500 for 2 lectures
C course : JPY 4,600 for 2 lectures and an advanced ticket for JINMO's solo show "Burnt Offerings" on May 24 2011.
Capacity 50 people *Participation fee on the lecture day will be JPY 2,000. If it will be filled to capacity, it may be difficult to partipate.
How to apply;
To apply for JINMO's special lectures, please contact directly the BIGAKKO office by e-mail, phone or Fax.
Required information: Selected course (A, B, C), Name, Cellphone number and E-mail address.
Inquiries: BIGAKKO (Attn. JINMO Special lectures 2011)
E-mail: fukushi@bigakko.jp
Phone: 81-3-3262-2529
Fax: 81-3-3263-6708
Daini Fuji bld. 3F, Kanda Jinbocho 2-20, Choyoda, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-3262-2529 (13:00 - 18:00)
Website: http://www.bigakko.jp
Access; 5 minutes walk from A3 gate of "Jinbocho" Station of Toei Mita Line, Shinjuku Line or Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line.
5 minutes walk from "Kudanshita Station" of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line.
8minutes walk from East gate of JR "Suidobashi" station.

+++ 20110419
"The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar"
is now available on Avant-attaque Download! +++
JINMO released his new album "The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar".
"The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar" (AAC 320kbps formatted) and "The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar" HQCD are now available on Avant-attaque Download!
*We are very sorry but "Avant-attaque HQCD" series will be shipped to Japan only.
"The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar"
"For all sorts of expression media including musical instruments, overt and covert rules of identification for media like "This is such a media", it limits ability of expression on the media and user himself.
If you could reject or destroy the rules, you would see the universe of infinite beauty out there.
Brothers and sisters, discard rules and fly away to the universe of infinite beauty!" -JINMO
"The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar", it is like a symphony, it is like a rhythmical contemporary music, or it is like Sci-Fi spectrum soundtrack.
However it is unaccompanied guitar solo by JINMO as the title suggests.
Profound sound of guitar that JINMO plays, it sounds like a complex of layered overlapping sound though, this is a collection of unaccompanied guitar solo.
No synthesizing nor overdubbing.
Many people would be surprised that it is unaccompanied guitar solo, but some fans who had experienced JINMO's show (especially the fans who experienced recent shows "Burnt Offerings" at "Bullet's" in Roppongi), they would appreciate that the sounds are exactly as JINMO plays in his shows.
Eros and Thanatos, these two opposites are intertwined as one like DNA double helix and it is the same with the experience you would be in "Burnt offerings".
JINMO often says "No borders between live and dead", we would find what he means with listening to this album.
It is the first release of unaccompanied guitar album in 14 months since the release of his "Eternal Moonbeam On Elysium" that released in February 2010.
Large numbers of voices pan on various periods and move as you would be experienced in JINMO's solo show "Burnt Offerings", it is the one of the important elements in this album.
So we recommend to listen with headphones for higher listening experience.
Just 8 days passed since previous album "Hell",
JINMO's 99th solo album "The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar" (80th album from Avant-attaque) is now available on Avant-attaque Download.
*The album "The Twelve Symphonic Suites for Unaccompanied Guitar HQCD" is also available but "Avant-attaque HQCD" series will be shipped collect on delivery through the regular Japanese Postal Service.
We are very sorry but no international orders available.
HARI Avant-attaque?AAgeha Avant-attaque

+++ 20110415 BIGAKKO Special Lecture 2011 +++
Thank you for your patience, we are pleased to announce that JINMO's special lecture in BIGAKKO.
JINMO will have 2 special lectures including his live performance at BIGAKKO where the womb of new art and wisdom.
+++ BIGAKKO Special Lecture 2011 +++
"The brain response to auditory sense and emotion" -JINMO
Vol.1 "How does butterfly fly Jubilus?"
There's a movie just shows flying butterfly.
It seems happy when it comes with happy music on background but it seems sad when it comes with sad music.
What is the acoustic phenomenon that brings joy and pleasure to our consciousness?
JINMO reveals the acoustic phenomenon which affects directly for human emotions.
DATE: Monday 25 April 2011
TIME: 19:30 - 21:00 *Please come to classroom 10 minutes before the lecture starts.
Vol.2 "The Infinite 4' 33""
"4 minutes and 33 seconds", the monumental work by John Cage that shook the border between music and acoustics.
When we listen to John Cage's 4'33", we escape from the symbolized music and we will be embraced by the sound of the non-symbolic music.
Study of reinstatement of the non-symbolic music which holds the power of the primal music that lost since the invention of equal temperament, and its approach to the deeper feelings.
DATE: Monday 2 May 2011
TIME: 19:30 - 21:00 *Please come to classroom 10 minutes before the lecture starts.
Participation fee (Advanced) ;
A course : JPY 1,500 for 1 lecture
B course : JPY 2,500 for 2 lectures
C course : JPY 4,600 for 2 lectures and an advanced ticket for JINMO's solo show "Burnt Offerings" on May 24 2011.
Capacity 50 people *Participation fee on the lecture day will be JPY 2,000. If it will be filled to capacity, it may be difficult to partipate.
How to apply;
To apply for JINMO's special lectures, please contact directly the BIGAKKO office by e-mail, phone or Fax.
Required information: Selected course (A, B, C), Name, Cellphone number and E-mail address.
Inquiries: BIGAKKO (Attn. JINMO Special lectures 2011)
E-mail: fukushi@bigakko.jp
Phone: 81-3-3262-2529
Fax: 81-3-3263-6708
Daini Fuji bld. 3F, Kanda Jinbocho 2-20, Choyoda, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-3262-2529 (13:00 - 18:00)
Website: http://www.bigakko.jp
Access; 5 minutes walk from A3 gate of "Jinbocho" Station of Toei Mita Line, Shinjuku Line or Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line.
5 minutes walk from "Kudanshita Station" of Tokyo Metro Tozai Line.
8minutes walk from East gate of JR "Suidobashi" station.
+++ 20110414 JINMO solo show: "Burnt Offerings: The 8th sacrifice" !!!!! +++
"Burnt Offerings: The 8th sacrifice"
"The alter of sacrifice", JINMO often uses metaphor to describe his stage.
This show entitled "Burnt Offerings".
On his stage, every offering will be burnt in the sacred fire made of the sound he plays,
like ancient ceremony "Burnt offerings".
Don't miss JINMO's killer solo guitar playing!!!
"Burnt Offerings: The 8th sacrifice"
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Bullet's, Roppongi
LOCATION: Kasumi Bldg B1F, 1-7-11 Nishiazabu, Minato, Tokyo
5 minutes walk from Exit #2 of Roppongi subway station.
PHONE: +81-3-3401-4844
OPEN: 19:00
SHOW: 20:00
ENTRANCE FEE: JPY 2,600 (Extra charge for beverage)
No dress code required. You can enjoy the show with your own style.

+++ 20110411 JINMO released new album "Hell"!!!!!! +++
JINMO released his new album "Hell".
The album "Hell" is now abvailable on Avant-attaque Download.
The title is "Hell"
"In current education of art, everybody sets worth on "how to handle the work or how to achieve output" then there's nobody doubt it. But the truth is "what to input" is worth more than such technology theories. It is impossible to achieve high quality output without high quality input.
To be keen on higher quality input, that's all what we need. "
As it shown his words, JINMO always consciously being active, aggressive and keen on input beautiful things to himself. However, just a month ago, the incredible disasters struck Japan and it also effected intensely to JINMO as an input of the realistic hell.
This album "Hell" is inevitable output from JINMO as a result of input of hell.
And it is exactly as hell is.
Not as the symbolised music but as the music influence on human emotion actualy, "Jubilus: RGB Trilogy of lights" is still fresh in our memory. The Jubilus trilogy might be clusters of energy with a strong directivity to "Jubilus".
And this album "Hell" is holding strong energy as much as Jubilus series, its direction is towards the opposite, the hell.
The painting on the cover is a scene in Hell drawn by Herrad von Landsberg (Herurato of Landsberg 1130 - 1195) the abbess of Alsace, it had drawn around 1180 for illuminated encyclopedia "HORTUS DELICIARUM (Garden of delight)".
The universal fear of Hell, it is really beautiful but fearful for us live in 830 years later.
JINMO stared at this painting often while he was composing "Hell".
That's the reason why the impression both of this painting and the sound of hell are really close.
Yes, it is beautiful but fearful.
Large numbers of voices pan on various periods and move, it is the one of the important elements in this album.
So we recommend listening with headphones for the higher listening experience.
It has just 18 days passed since previous album "Uterus Of Monoliths",
JINMO's 98th solo album "Hell" (79th album from Avant-attaque) is now available on Avant-attaque Download.
*The album "Hell HQCD" is also available but "Avant-attaque HQCD" series will be shipped collect on delivery through the regular Japanese Postal Service.
We are very sorry but no international orders available.
HARI Avant-attaque, Ageha Avant-attaque

+++ 20110405 New JINMO.COM unveiled!!!!!! +++
Since May 2005, JINMO's official website "JINMO.COM" have been grown with JINMO's explosively creative spree.
And now we completely restructured JINMO.COM for the first time in 6 years!
We had restructured JINMO.COM to divide his works into two as his auditory representations
"Sonic Art" and his visual representations "Optic Art".
We also updated English contents more than before.
Invitation to JINMO's Guitar Course.
JINMO invites for several new students to his guitar course.
Classroom is located in Ginza, Tokyo.
Two-hours small class on every Sunday.
Beginners welcome.
Tuition Fees are JPY 20,000 / month. *Registration fee is not required.
For further information and inquiries, please contact to "info@jinmo.com" .
It has been a while since last invitation.
We have no idea when we could announce next invitation.
Don't miss this chance to learn JINMO's sense of creation!
Private lessons on Skype / FaceTime
As it shown on JINMO's Diary (http://twilog.org/JINMOxxx/nomen), JINMO gives private lessons using Skype or FaceTime for students who can't join in the classes on Sundays because of distance or schedule.
We are also inviting some students for private lessons on videochat.
Face to face private lessons with JINMO for an hour, it will be held via Skype or FaceTime three times in a month when the schedules of student and JINMO would be met.
Beginners welcome.
Tuition Fees are JPY 20,000 / month. *Registration fee is not required.
For further information and inquiries, please contact to "info@jinmo.com".
JINMO's 97th album, "Uterus Of Monoliths", the phenomenon started on Avant-attaque Download and it affected worldwide through 23 iTunes Stores in 96 countries.
And now we are proud to announce the release of "Uterus of Monoliths HQCD", the higher quality sound CD of "Uterus Of Monoliths".
"Avant-attaque HQCD" series will be shipped collect on delivery through the regular Japanese Postal Service.
We are very sorry but no international orders available.
Thank you for supporting JINMO.
Your support give him impetus to keep on creating.
Best regards,
HARI Avant-attaque / Ageha Avant-attaque
