A method for purchase
We would like to inform you that as of this time, we will change the price of download albums. ( 2011/12/03 ) "For art pieces, there is difference in price per each piece. Even in restaurants or in convenience stores, every menu has different price. ------------------------------------------------------------ Pursuant to JINMO's will, we set different price for each album from now on. If the album is 50 minutes (3,000 seconds) long, it would be $24. And now we can release aggressive some short pieces like "1 minute album" which had difficult to release in uniform price so far. ------------------------------------------------------------ We also quit distribution of PDF booklet and large jacket from this time for streamlining.
You can take a look at an introduction page for each work before doing a purchase. You can get to a purchase page when you click The payment will be in U.S. dollers. (You can select your language for the purchase process, which can be chosen from 12 languages) The price in your country's currency will depend on the current day's exchange rate. We use Kagi for the payment service, which allows safe, secure, encrypted transactions using credit cards and other means of payment. Kagi accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima, Discover, Diner's Club, Carte Blanche, , Carte Bleue, JCB, Eurocard and PayPal. Download and extract After purchase via Kagi, you will receive an English e-mail. The e-mail includes a Download-URL and an unlock code. Simply click on the link in the email to take you to the download page. The download will be a file compressed in zip format. You will need to input the unlock code from the e-mail when extracting the zip file. After that, you will find two folders, one with music data in AAc format, and the other one with a brochure in PDF format. The brochure includes titles and descriptions of the songs. Once you downloaded the AAC files, please enjoy it with your iTunes or QuickTime After MacOS 10.4 If you are using Mac OS 10.4 or higher, you will need Stuffit Expander (for free). (When you try to decompress the file with OS 10.4 itself, you will see the "error 78" on your desktop and unable to enter the Unlock code.) Please make sure that the file can be extracted using StuffIt Expander :
Our products sold in Avant-attaque can be versioned up. When we do a version up, we post the information on this site. A customer of an old version can obtain the latest edition for free. To do so, the download URL and unlock code mentioned in the email transmitted at the time of the purchase by Kagi are necessary, please do not loose it. |