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Dual Nature (ver.2.0) 2009/05/06 Releasediavantattaque-0050j
Since December 2016, by the intention of JINMO, we have decided to remove the price tags from all of his sonic art works that released from Avant-attaque.
A dollar, million dollars or as much as you like, you can make remittance us with following link.
(Of course, you can play all albums again and again without any remittance. All donations are welcome though!)
Your generosity will support JINMOfs future creative activities.
Thank you.
To listen to the tracks, no special device or software required.
Just press the ((PLAY)) button on each track and it starts automatically streaming with your computer, iPad or iPhone in CD quality sound.
And of course, you can download the music files to your computer.
Please enjoy JINMOfs sonic art anywhere anytime.
"It was thus rather the exacting nature of my aspirations than any particular degradation in my faults,
that made me what I was and, with even a deeper trench than in the majority of men,
severed in me those provinces of good and ill which divide and compound man's dual nature."
(from "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson 1886)
The work in the ultra precise, ultra complex orchestration in Plectics System.
This music is designed, having an influence on playback environment,
in order to change expression largely.
JINMO had been perplexed in impression of music changing with the playback environment of the listener.
He emphasizes the problem in this album intentionally adversely,
and gain the favor as an effect of the musical piece and express it positively.
Therefore monitoring with a small speaker had built-in by iPhone and a laptop computer was
always performed besides a usual studio monitor at the time of production.
Please enjoy both appreciation with the small speakers or monaural playback equipment,
and appreciation with a good HiFi audio equipment, by all means.
And JINMO says,
"The playback equipment, playback environment functioning has done as a fascist filter itself,
vis-a-vis music expression.
I will face each other in it rather positively if I cannot avoid it."
We recommend this not only for a progressive contemporary music-lover,
but also
the people who love the cutting edge of techno music.
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Please listen this album, not only by fine audio systems,
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by small speakers of iPhone or laptop computer.
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And find it.
It comes with Apple Lossless (44.1kHz 16bit) high quality sound.
Web Streaming
We would like to thank you for your support JINMO.
Your support has given JINMO the impetus to keep on creating.
HARI Avant-attaque / Ageha Avant-attaque